Captain Kevin Morrow spoke to a class today. He was in town for the 125th birthday celebration for local hero and monuments man George Stout.
over 1 year ago, Joshua Heyer
WJHS showing school spirit on Neon Day! #allin
over 1 year ago, Joshua Heyer
Homecoming week brings a lot of school spirit with dress up days. Today we saw a lot of country club and country walking the halls. While having fun, we still have time to make meaning of the Giver in 7th grade literacy!
over 1 year ago, Joshua Heyer
The Giver
WJH Boys Cross Country athletes came home with a 1st place plaque and some medals at the Southwest Valley XC Meet last week! CONGRATS guys on doing a great job!
over 1 year ago, WJH Communications
We are appreciative of guest speaker! Sarah Cowman volunteered her day to talk to all of Mr. Heithoff's 7th grade classes. Topic- Land development and zoning in the Winterset area.
over 1 year ago, Joshua Heyer
guest speaker
7th grade football is home tonight vs North Polk. Working hard on a wonderful evening!
over 1 year ago, Joshua Heyer
8th grade students have been learning about variables and controlled experiments by testing catapult launch angles.
over 1 year ago, Joshua Heyer
Here is the 2nd Husky Minute for the school year. We have a lot of great things going on each day and numerous students to celebrate for their hard work.
over 1 year ago, Joshua Heyer
The fall sports season kicked off today with our first volleyball and football games. 8th grade @ADM and 7th grade @ home.
over 1 year ago, Joshua Heyer
This week's "Leader of the PACK" (Professional Skills, Accountability for self, Care for self and Kindness for others) is awarded to Abbey Williams. Mrs. Williams is loved by everyone in the Junior High. A few "star" comments from our students to Mrs. Williams are: "Thanks for always checking up on everyone when they seem sad"; "You have helped me out through a lot of rough times and I will always be very grateful"; "You do a ton for our school but sometimes don't get recognized for all you do. You always know how to make me laugh and I love going to your room"; "Thank you for being a happy and positive person". Keep up the great work Mrs. Williams!
over 1 year ago, WJH Communications
Mrs. Williams Leader of the PACK
WJH will be highlighting our "Leader of the PACK" teachers and staff throughout the school year.  This will be based on our PACK standards (Professional skills; Accountability for self; Care for self; Kindness to others).  To start us off this year,  Mr. Heyer was our Leader of the PACK for week #1.   A few "star" comments from our students for Mr. Heyer are:  "Thank you for keeping our school safe and positive"; "You always make time to talk to students";  "Thanks for being a great leader";  Thank you for greeting us with kindness"; "I like the way you walk around during lunchtime and talk to us" and "you have been my favorite principal so far".
over 1 year ago, Janet Heath
JH Leader of the Pack
WJH Administrative Leaders (Mr. Heyer and Mr. Sussex) sporting their new kicks!
over 1 year ago, Janet Heath
WJH Admin Kicks
WJH Staff after the first day of school!
over 1 year ago, Janet Heath
WJH Staff after the first day of school
We are off and running. 5 minutes after the start of school the hallways were clear and students were in class connecting with teachers and students. #allin
over 1 year ago, Joshua Heyer
classroom 2
Set those alarms! School start tomorrow at 8:00am! Doors will open at 7:45. Schedules will be handed out in the JH commons!!
over 1 year ago, Joshua Heyer
The Junior High staff is ready and looking forward to connecting with students and families tonight. Hope to see everyone in the hallways soon!!!
over 1 year ago, Joshua Heyer
family engagement
Be sure to check the Electronic Backpack for a letter from Cartwells, WCSD's new food service provider!
almost 2 years ago, Janet Heath
Cartwells Food Service
SmartPass ~ WJH will be piloting a new digital hall pass system this year. The digital pass will replace the traditional hall pass, sign out sheets, lanyards, etc. It will also provide Administrators a list of students who are outside the classroom for any reason at any point in time. Students will be able to create or request a pass and it will interruption free for the classroom. The best feature of this new digital pass system is in an emergency, Administration will have real time access and be able to ensure students are where they should be and accounted for.
almost 2 years ago, Janet Heath
Madison County Public Health is offering a free Walk-In Immunization Clinic on Tuesday, August 9th from 8:00 - 3:00 and on Friday, August 19th from 8:00 - 12:00. Please see the Junior High Electronic Backpack for more details.
almost 2 years ago, Janet Heath
Don't forget to register your child for the upcoming school year! Students will not be able to attend school until this has been completed. If you are having trouble doing so, please contact the Administration office at 515-462-2718.
almost 2 years ago, Janet Heath